Why can't we fight anxiety and how to avoid getting stuck in our worries?
Why can't we fight anxiety and how to avoid getting stuck in our worries?
than anxiety
It helps us recognize dangerous situations and threats. It can be justified, for example, if we hear a rustling at night when no one is around, and unjustified when we fear a monster under the bed
Anxiety is felt as a fear of uncertainty and the anticipation of something frightening that you will not be able to control
Fear is a response to a real threat, while anxiety always arises in response to thoughts about the possibility of some threat
is more
helps us
Anxiety arises in situations where we need to orient ourselves, gain understanding, and find support. It indicates the significance of an event, helps us see our needs, and motivates us to take safety precautions
We  often experience anxiety in our lives, but we rarely consider that it is natural and normal
Imagine the life of our ancestors who had to face predators. A twig snaps in the bushes. It’s just a twig, but anxiety immediately conjures up the image of a lurking bear in our minds. The imagination acts in advance and helps to avoid a sudden attack
For survival, it was important for our brains to learn to spot and anticipate any threats and dangers, rather than to enjoy life here and now. This is how nature instilled caution and foresight in us
It's important to
acknowledge anxiety
We often paint gloomy scenarios in our imagination about future events, fearing that something bad and terrible will happen — something that disrupts our expectations
This creates a feeling of losing control and an inability to influence what scares us. As a result, our thoughts may either vanish entirely or get stuck in endless loops
and allow
It’s important to acknowledge that what you are experiencing is normal
It carries some important information for you and suggests what to do in the given situation
it space within
to worry the
right way
Previously, a person could quickly determine how justified their fears were. Was it really a bear or just a squirrel hiding in the bushes? But in the modern world, most threats are difficult to verify
Will we be replaced by neural networks, or will things get even worse?
What will happen to the economytomorrow?
My friend didn't include a smiley in her message. Is she mad at me?
Anxiety arises from a loss of control, so to avoid feeling helpless, it’s important to find an area of your responsibility that you can influence
How many opportunities has anxiety stolen from you? How many chances, projects, and tasks have you not started because of anxiety?
We cannot achieve certainty
and guarantees in many things; we cannot control what is happening in the world
It is important to continue doing what is valuable, meaningful, and significant to you, regardless of what is happening in the world. Shift your focus to what I can do to help myself right now, how I can feel safer in this moment, and how I can support myself in this situation. This way, you will reinforce your confidence that you are not helpless
You cannot control the weather, but you can choose to dress comfortably. You do not control the plane, but you can manage your attention and how you spend your time during the flight. It is essential to shift your focus to what is within your control
It is important to accept and acknowledge uncertainty as a part of our lives
Click on any block - you will find important information to help yourself and your loved ones
to reduce
Anxiety prevents us from moving toward our goals, entering relationships, and can lead to serious disorders—such as headaches, muscle pain, depression, OCD, and addictive behavior
Anxiety prevents us from moving toward our goals, entering relationships, and can lead to serious disorders—such as headaches, muscle pain, depression, OCD, and addictive behavior
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